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The Ashcombe School



Understanding society and the reasons behind individuals' everyday interactions is at the heart of the subject of Sociology.  Studying Sociology at A-level provides the opportunity to develop a rich and varied insight into how and why humans behave the way we do and to gain a better understanding of whether it is really nature or nurture that shapes who we are.  Sociology is a popular and vibrant subject, with lots of time for discussion, critical thinking and exploring the fundamental institutions that underpin our society, such as the family, school and criminal justice system.  In Lower Sixth, we study the sociological theories in relation to Families & Households, Education and Research Methods.  In Upper Sixth, we continue to learn Theory & Methods, as well as an additional two units of Crime & Deviance and Global Development.

 Our Sixth Form curriculum

Enrichment opportunities

There are opportunities for a day trip to London visiting the Police Museum and a Jack the Ripper Tour, as well as a Sociology revision conference.