It is the school’s policy that teachers set work to be completed out of lessons on a regular basis to improve a student’s learning. All subjects set homework regularly. The type and timing of the homework will vary between year groups, different classes, and topics. Monitoring homework forms an integral part of our internal assessment prognosis, but not every piece of written work will be marked.
Homework tasks may involve the following:
- completing tasks set in the lesson (e.g., writing up practical work)
- consolidating content of lesson through further learning (learning spellings, facts)
- preparing for the next lesson (e.g., reading a text, finding out information)
- using time to carry out independent research (e.g., doing extra reading and research)
- consolidating skills learnt through carrying out an individual project
- completing an assignment on Teams (Office 365).
How do we help students to organise homework?
- We make instructions concerning homework clear to everyone in the class.
- Clear instructions are recorded by staff on Arbor with reasonable deadlines given.
- We aim to mark or respond to homework regularly, and in a way that is helpful to students.
How can parents help with homework?
- Look at the Arbor app to see what homework has been set.
- Help students organise their time so things are not all left to the last minute or even forgotten.
- Try to make sure that there are suitable working conditions at home.
- Take a positive and active interest in their child's work at home - rather than just insisting that it is done.
- Let us know if there are problems with homework that they cannot resolve. If the student seems to be doing too much, or not enough, or is finding it too easy or too difficult. Contact the subject teacher in the first instance who will be glad to help.
How much homework do students receive?
Every subject has at least one homework set for every two lessons in the classroom. Please note that the task set for homework may sometimes be for a period of several homework slots. The time allocation per subject increases through the school. In Years 7 and 8, the allocation is 15-30 minutes per subject and, in Year 9, 30-40 minutes per subject. The amount of Year 7 homework will be gradually increased over the Autumn term.
Year Group |
Time per allocation |
Average time per night |
7 |
15-30 mins |
1 hour |
8 |
20-35 mins |
1 hour 15 mins |
9 |
30-40 mins |
1 hour 30 mins |
It is the school’s policy that teachers set work to be completed out of lessons on a regular basis to improve a student’s learning.
We use Arbor, an electronic system which is designed to enable teachers to set homework and for students and parents to easily keep track of it. Parents are given personal log-in codes to access Arbor and you will be able to see the homework that is set for your child.
Year 8 Homework Timetable Autumn 2024
Year 9 Homework Timetable Autumn 2024
There is a homework club after school in the library. All students are welcome to attend this.