Accelerated Reader
Students in years 7 and 8 are automatically entered into our reading programme, Accelerated Reader. The programme supports students through an initial STAR reading test which assesses their reading skills and awards students a Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) score which corresponds to the type of book they should be reading (in terms of its complexity) in relation to their reading skills.
Just as students carry pens, pencils, or planners, it is expected that they have their Accelerated Reader book with them at all times. Form tutors will check this during registration, emphasising the importance of cultivating a reading habit.
Our vision is to integrate reading seamlessly into the daily lives of The Ashcombe students, encouraging them to read with endurance and relish books for sheer enjoyment.
We invite parents and caregivers to collaborate with us in fostering a culture of reading by ensuring that their child dedicates at least thirty minutes per week to reading their Accelerated Reader book at home. Consider this an ongoing homework task, and if ever met with the claim of having no homework, kindly remind them, "Yes, you do—reading your Accelerated Reader book!" Together, we can guide your child on the path to becoming an accelerated reader.
Teachers monitor progress as students move through the AR reading levels, whilst earning points that are converted into prizes. There are hundreds of books in each level (ZPD) and they are easily identifiable from the numbers on their spines.
- ·A star reading test is taken once a half term term to adjust ZPD levels according to individual progress. Every English lesson starts with reading; therefore, students are expected to have an AR book in their school bag every day.
- English homework is reading for 20 minutes a day which enables students to maximise improvement.
- Students have dedicated AR lessons in the library once a fortnight where they have the opportunity to ask questions, get helpful tips and have 1:1 assistance from our librarians to support their engagement in the Accelerated Reader Scheme.
- Students have individual accounts that they can access through RM Unify both in school and at home to take their quizzes at Welcome (
It's easy to log on if required in the following way: -
Username: your ordinary computer login (first 3 letters of your first name and surname)
Password: you will have chosen this in your first library lesson – if you can’t remember please ask your English teacher, Mrs Janes or a librarian to reset it
Students can use books that they have at home and can check if they have a quiz and what level they are at Accelerated Book Finder:
Find out more about Accelerated Reader here:
Accelerated Reader Family Resources
The AR scheme is a simple 5 step process for students to follow.