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The Ashcombe School




Literacy at The Ashcombe

Literacy is key to learning across all subjects at secondary school and can unlock a wealth of knowledge and entertainment.

Besides wanting students to experience the sheer joy of reading, at the Ashcombe we are following research guidance which suggests that there is a positive relationship between reading frequently and students’ wellbeing, as well as their educational success at GCSE and beyond. At The Ashcombe School, we use a range of strategies to support any student whose reading age is lower than their chronological age. These include:

  • Regular reading age testing
  • Reading lessons in our school library
  • Small group intervention sessions
  • Tutor time intervention with literacy booklets developing students reading and discussion skills across Years 7-11

We welcome parental support with our ongoing endeavours to increase literacy support within the school. This may include:

  • Reading regularly with your child. Listening to them read, but also reading aloud to them
  • Allow your child to have freedom and flexibility in their reading choice – a comic they have chosen will have greater impact than a novel chosen by someone else!
  • Encourage your child to read around a topic they find interesting; this might include newspaper articles about a topic they’re covering in subjects at school, or a book by their favourite sportsperson
  • Read what your child is reading – this can help encourage their motivation, comprehension but also their ability to talk about their reading too
  • Encourage book chat within the home – this might be talking about their favourite characters; who their favourite author is; what the book they are reading is about; maybe even why the book is exciting or boring!