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The Ashcombe School


Heads of Department

Mrs. C Knight
Head of Art

Mr T Mercer
Head of Business Studies & Economics

Miss Bethany Ming (maternity cover) 
Head of Design Technology (Years 10-13)

Mrs Joyce Dube (maternity cover)
Head of Design Technology (Years 7-9)

Miss E Nicol 
Mrs H Kennet

Joint Heads of Drama

Miss L Murphy
Head of English

Mrs Zoe Wood
Head of Geography

Mr J Townend
Head of History and Politics

Mrs R Beggs
Head of Mathematics

Mrs J Sarrazin
Head of Modern Languages

Mr. E Houlston
Head of Music

Mrs N Evans
Head of PSHE, Food and Child Development

Mr T Andrews
Head of PE

Mrs E Turner
Head of RS

Mr. G Bendall
Head of Science