T | 01306 886312
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Absence line
Parents should ring the absence phone number which is 01306 886312 - select option 1 - or email to report the absence. This call should be made as early as possible in the morning. Click here for important information regarding absences.
The Ashcombe School
Ashcombe Road
Making Contact
Our School Reception is open in term-time from:
8am to 4.15pm Monday to Friday
Our Reception team will be happy to help you with your enquiries. Alternatively, you may email your enquiry using the link below.
The School Day is from 8.50am until 3.30pm.
If you wish to contact a member of staff, please email and put the department or the member of staff's name in the subject line. This will then be forwarded to them.
- For SEN enquiries, our SENCO is Joanna Marks who can be contacted via email. Please do contact the team as working with parents is crucial to successful SEND provision.
- If you have a pastoral query, please contact the relevant Head of Year in the first instance.
- For IT help with Arbor, please email
Head of Lower School - Mr RavenhillHead of Upper School - Ms GrayHead of Sixth Form - Mr Blackband
If you have a curriculum query, please contact the relevant Head of Department in the first instance.
Deputy Head Curriculum - Mr Simmonds
The Ashcombe School aims to provide the best education experience for all students in a positive and open environment. We welcome any and all feedback. A concern can be raised in person, in writing or by telephone. It may also be made by a third party acting on behalf of the person with the concern, as long as they have appropriate consent to do so.
Concerns will be dealt with promptly and fairly. Concerns should be raised with either the class teacher, year head, subject head, member of the senior team or the Headteacher. If the issue remains unresolved after the steps in "Concerns (informal complaints)", as outlined in the Complaints Policy, the next step is to make a formal complaint, using the Complaint form (Appendix B in the Complaints Policy).