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The Ashcombe School


Governors contact with the school

In addition to the regular committee meetings mentioned above, we come in to school on many other occasions.

Click here for the schedule of Governors' meetings

Visits to lessons

Each governor is expected to come in to school once a year to visit lessons and gain an insight into the atmosphere of classes and an understanding of how the curriculum is delivered.  A range of lessons is visited including different year groups, different subjects and different ability groups.

Health & Safety visits

The school site is split into five sections and each governor is required to visit a section of the school once a year in the company of a member of the Senior Management Team.  Their role is to observe (from the standpoint of an ordinary, observant person) whether classrooms, laboratories, special subject areas, corridors, toilets and outdoor areas have any worrying features which need remedial action.  A report is filed at the end of each visit, and it is the task of each governor to ascertain whether action has been taken on items recorded in the previous report.

Meeting Heads of Departments

Twice a year, governors have an hour’s meeting with the Heads of Department.  Groups of three or four governors meet with three or four HoDs and, in the Autumn Term, discuss the action plans drawn up by the HoDs, following their analysis of the exam results.  In the Spring Term, they meet again to look at the Departmental Development Plans, and may discuss key issues relevant to the whole school.

Meeting Heads of Year

Once a year, governors meet with the Heads of Year to discuss key pastoral issues.  These may include presentations on issues such as supported learning, methods of intervention, attendance etc.

Meeting new Staff

Governors have the opportunity to meet all new staff in the Autumn Term to find out how they are settling in, and if they feel well supported.  The Chair also talks to new staff about the role and work of the Governing Body in the Spring Term.

Attendance at School Council meetings

The nominated governor attends School Council meetings whenever possible to get an understanding of what the students would like to introduce/change in the school.  Once a year, the executive members of the School Council meet the Chair of Governors and Chair of the Human Resources and Welfare committee.

Attendance at Teachers’ Curriculum & Pastoral Meetings

Once a month, the Chair or Vice Chair of the Governors’ Curriculum committee and of the Human Resources and Welfare committee attend these respective teachers’ committees to have a better understanding of what issues are being discussed at middle management level.

Support for School Activities

Governors aim to attend as many of the special school activities as possible, such as the Awards Evening, the annual School Musical, Dance & Gym displays, Musical events, Art Display, Sporting activities and Careers Evening.

Governor Training and Development

Governors meet on four mid-week evenings per year to undertake in-house training and development.  The session may focus on strategic issues or current educational issues.