Governing Body
Key roles
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
- Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Contacting the Governors
An important part of our role as Governors is listening to parents’ views and considering whether improvements can be made as a result of feedback. Responses in questionnaires completed by parents are regularly reviewed and discussed by us, but direct contact with us can be made, in confidence, by emailing the Chair of Governors, Angus Frazer, on
Whilst we welcome input from parents about general issues relating to the school, issues which relate to individual students should be addressed in the first instance to the student's teacher or tutor and, if not satisfactorily resolved, should then be notified to Heads of Department or Heads of Year. If still unresolved, any concerns should be directed to members of the Senior Management Team.
Who are the Governors?
Members of the Governing Body are drawn from a range of stakeholders (parents, staff, the wider community and representing the Local Authority). Together we offer diverse skills and experience, and - very importantly - committed support for the education of all students in the school.
Our services to the school are entirely voluntary, though there is a scheme by which governors may claim for travelling expenses when undertaking training away from the school or (in certain circumstances) for necessary childcare whilst attending meetings.
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