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The Ashcombe School


Life after Ashcombe

Students at Ashcombe progress to a variety of destinations including university, further education, apprenticeships and employment.

The links below show the destinations for our Year 13 students over the past 3 years:

Leaver Destinations 2023

Leaver Destinations 2022

Leaver Destinations 2021

Every attempt is made to prepare and equip students with the skills, qualifications and experience they need for Higher Education, Further Education, apprenticeships or employment.  Students are encouraged to plan for their future from the moment they enrol and an extensive programme of university and careers-related events and activities are run throughout the year.  More than 115 students per year go to university and every year some achieve places at Oxford and Cambridge, with many going on to Russell Group universities.

Students will have access to one-to-one guidance interviews.  The Ashcombe ‘Competitive Courses’ programme supports students applying to Oxford and Cambridge and competitive courses such as Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science.  The Ashcombe ‘Apprenticeship’ Programme provides students with personalised support to make a competitive application to the increasing number of Higher and Degree level apprenticeships.

Throughout the year, there is a programme of careers advice which includes interviews, talks, seminars and conferences.  Full use is made of the many links we have with universities, colleges and local and national employers.  Speakers from these sectors come to speak to the Sixth Form and visits are arranged for anyone interested.

Our ‘Pathway Day’ sees students registering with UCAS and Unifrog before meeting ex-Ashcombe students to gain an insight into University, Apprenticeships and Gap Years. Similarly, our annual Careers Fair sees students being introduced to a range of careers so that they can begin to match their future plans to personal attributes and make informed choices. There is an annual Opportunities Week in July, in which every Year 12 student participates.