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The Ashcombe School



This is the admissions calendar which outlines activities and events for students joining in September 2024. 

January / February 

Sixth Form Interviews

Year 11 students will meet Mr Blackband and External students will be invited in for a meeting and tour of the school. We will be hosting an Open Morning on Saturday 3rd February and a Taster Day on Tuesday 6th February.  


Offer letters will be sent

 June 26th 

Induction Day

Students will be able to sample a 'typical' Sixth Form day and explore their chosen subjects. The event will run from 9:00-12:35. Please contact Mr Blackband if you are a 'new joiner' and would like to attend. 


Endeavour Programme Morning 

Opportunity to find out more details in how to make a competitive application to University

August 22nd 

GCSE Results

August 22nd

Enrolment into 6th Form - Current Y11 students 

August 23rd

Enrolment into 6th Form - External students to school

September 2nd 

Start of Ashcombe 6th Form