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The Ashcombe School


Sixth Form Financial Support

The Ashcombe Bursary

16-19 Bursaries and Financial Assistance Statement

The Ashcombe School wants to help wherever possible to ensure that students have a good experience of education and make progress irrespective of their family income. We offer the following bursaries to help students with the essential costs of participating in their study programme. Please note that the terms, eligibility, and conditions may change from year to year based on government guidelines and the funding available.

Please read the information in the Statement below and use the Application Form to apply.

Applications must be received by Monday 7th October 2024

For the academic year 2024-2025, the requirement for the school to check eligibility for the discretionary bursary in each year that the student requests support has been relaxed. For Year 13 students in receipt of a previous bursary, the school only requires a single check of household income for each phase of education. For those students whose circumstances have not changed, a signed and dated self-declaration form must be completed instead of a new application form. Please complete the self-declaration below: